This issue focuses on mini-implants and diameter-reduced implants from different perspectives. The topic has been this years’ main theme for BDIZ EDI. In 2016, the European Consensus Conference (EuCC) under the auspices of BDIZ EDI published a new guideline on short, diameter-reduced and angulated implants.

Also in this issue: BDIZ EDI reports on its Annual General Meeting in Bremen/Germany this year. There, a new Treasurer has been elected since former treasurer Dr Heimo Mangelsdorf had resigned in December 2015. The new one, Dr Wolfgang Neumann, was previously member of the Advisory Board. The AGM voted for Dr Freimut Vizethum to take the vacant position on the Advisory Board.In Bremen, the President Christian Berger also pointed out that theassociation must be run in a sustainable way, making BDIZ EDI fit for the future and supporting dental clinicians in facing their daily practical challenges. Also topic in this issue: the BREXIT and its impacton dentistry. BDIZ EDI stated position in the debate about the necessity of dental floss in dentistry. The EDI Journal 3/2016 introduces dental implantology in Macedonia.